We all have bucket-list travel spots. You know it’s true! Those places that we keep saying, “I’m going there someday! I have to see it!” Well, on my top 5 sat Stonehenge. For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to see those humungous rocks. I’ve always been obsessed with history, go ahead and call me a nerd… I’ll…
Valley of Fire National Park
Ever heard of the expression, “Nature Church?” I hadn’t until recently, but it’s the most brilliant way to describe The Valley of Fire National Park! Mis amigas and I take a girls trip every year. We try to go somewhere new and fun just to get away from mom life for a few days and soak up just being mujeres!…
The rain jacket I never leave home without
One thing you gotta know about me is: I HATE getting my hair wet. I think I speak for most of mis hermanas when I say, we work too damn hard to get our hair looking just right to let some stupid rain screw it all up.
England Essential: The Classic Trench
I have a confession to make. I always, always go shopping before a big trip. I know, I know, it’s problematic.