• Eats

    London Eats

    CHEERIO FAM! Lemme tell you, London is my type of city! As a born-and-raised New Yorker, this place just feels right to me. Me siento en casa! It’s vibrant and fast; busy and filled to the brim with things to do. But just like with NY, the thing that hits me most in the happy-feels with regards to London is…

  • Mi Blog

    Montreal Getaway

    Nos fuimos pa’ Montreal for a long romantic getaway, guys! Why Montreal? Because… it’s like going to Europe but closer. Because it’s friggin beautiful. Because it’s full of lovely Canadians, in my opinion the NICEST people I’ve ever met while traveling (more on that later).  Montreal was calling to us because it seemed like the perfect place to pasiar… to…


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