• Eats

    Edinburgh Yummies

    Mira! If you think that the Scotland food scene is all about meat pies,  porridge, and haggis…. well you’d be about 50% right! Ha! That stuff is everywhere! But here’s the thing, chicos, it’s friggin delish! And it’s quintessentially Scottish! So, hell yea, that’s a large part of the Edinburgh food scene… but ain’t nothing wrong with that! The familia…

  • Fashion

    The Shoes I Take on Every Trip

    Ask anybody who knows me, I’m a girl who likes variety. Nah, forget “like”, I NEED variety. In ALL things. Especially in my fashion. You guys, I friggin cringe when someone tells me that I have to pack for a trip in a teeny-weeny suitcase, because that means I won’t be able to bring fashion options! Ha! Ya lo se,…

  • Mi Blog

    Labadee, Haiti

    People always ask me , “What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?” I’m dead serious, I get that question LOTS. And usually, it’s a tricky one to answer.


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