Mi gente, it might be a crazy thing for me to say, but, it’s ok if you aren’t traveling right now. I know que eso sounds totalmente ludicrous coming from a travel blogger but… the truth is that travel might not be safe para todos at this very moment.
I mean, we are in the middle of a panorama, for Pete’s sake!! 🙂
Déjame decirte algo, truth bomb style, travel is a luxury… not a necessity (although for a lot of us it feels that way). Not everybody can get away, no todos tienen el dinero, and not everyone can put themselves at risk health-wise either. Crowded cities and crazy international excursions just may not be a reality for us at this time, let’s face it.
Pero, escúchame: THAT’S OK! Why, you ask?
Well, because nature is a totally viable second option; un “plan B” con mucho impacto.
Almost everywhere en el mundo, you can find a patch of green or a killer scenic viewpoint. Nature is accessible to us in a way that puts us all on the same level. Todos tenemos chances to get out into the wild… even if “the wild” looks like a community park. Nature’s beauty is right there where you are, and perfectly within reach. What’s particularly great es que its safe to explore (germ wise) and it’s practically free, not to mention the fact that it provides us with vitamin D and exercise too.
I guess you could refer to a trip into the great outdoors as a beautiful “faux -travel” experience because, truthfully, it comes with some of los mismos “feels” that a great trip brings. That sense of wonder, that calm, that joy, that awe…. you can get all that from getting off the beaten path in your very own town, city, state, or country.
Nature is good for the soul, friends.
The trick to making nature a “faux-travel” experience when you can’t actually hop on a plane es simplemente making the time to find amazing spots cerca de ti. Get creative, do a little digging, go on a walk on a new hiking path, drive your car down some back roads, find a nearby state park…
Listen, un poquito de intención with a splash of adventure and a healthy dose of research are all you need. I’m certain, you’ll find the kind of places that fill you with ALL of the sensational feels that travel gives us! I know I have!
Now, I’m a sucker for nature quotes. Beautiful scenery es como food for the soul y un well written quote es como dessert; they go hand in hand. So in an effort to inspire you to make the most of our crummy global situation by getting out into the great outdoors, I’m going to do 2 things. Te voy an enseñar some truly beautiful natural places y tambien I’m gunna pair them some quotes that provide warm fuzzies.
How’s that?
Pues, ya vámonos!
Beach Sunset, Grand Cayman

“With every sunset, a new hope is born, an old expectation dies.”
Unas personas son “sunrise people”. I get it, the allure of a new day, light breaking through the darkness… lo entiendo, pero it’s not my thing. I am sunset girl through and through.
The reason is, yo pienso, because sunsets are special in their symbolism. Roll with me, amigos. Sometimes, sunsets se sienten como a well-earned, beautiful reward after a hard day. Otras veces they feel like a pretty bow to tie off an absolutely perfect day. La cosa es, either way, they help me reflect and they help me move forward. Almost always, if I’m out watching the sun go down in a burst of oranges, reds, pinks, and purples… I’m thinking about my day, my life, and my feelings with a twinge of extra positivity.
Are you like that??
No sé, pero to me, sunsets feel like they carry hope with them.
Undoubtedly, the best part about them es que whether the day was hard, long, or even exceptional, sunsets bring with them both a deep breath and a promise. A mi, me recuerdan que today has finished, and that tomorrow is a new day, full of either “better” opportunities for joy or more fantastic adventures.
Eso te impacta en such a deep and meaningful way, don’t you agree?
I love a good sunset; the more dramatic the better. They are like an exclamation point para el dia and as such are totally worth getting out into nature for. No importa en dónde estés: the mountains, the beach, the desert… sunsets are always magic. I highly encourage you to make the time, even if you can’t travel, to go catch a sunset afuera!
I promise it will either fill your cup, or give you a new hope! Y lets face it… we could all use a little more of either! 🙂
- Tell me, are you a sunrise person or a sunset person?
Into the woods, Gatlinburg, TN
“I just want to live in a world of mountains, coffee, campfire, cabins, and golden trees, and run around with a camera and notebook, learning the inner workings of everything real.”
Victoria Erickson
Hay algo especial about stepping into the woods. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is, pero es something profound. The deeper your walk into the trees, the less encumbered that you feel by your daily worries. Es muy similar to the feeling of removing items from a heavy backpack, every step an item gets removed y te sientes mucho mejor; you feel lighter.
Maybe it’s because stepping into the forest feels a little bit like entering another world, or maybe it’s because the farther in you go, the less you can hear the sounds of civilization… no sé.
Pero, it’s safe to say que la sensación is pretty phenomenal.
To be honest, that’s saying something, coming from a bonafide scaredy-cat. HA! Caminando por un bosque (a forest) really is like traveling to another place. One that you can enjoy with all your 5 senses. You SEE the colors of the plants, trees, and flowers. You SMELL that aroma that only nature can provide – dirt (but the good kind :). Tambien puedes OIR the scurrying of animals in their natural habitat (not the scary ones, the cute cuddly ones:). You can FEEL the crunch crunch crunch of the leaves under tus pies. Even the food that you EAT in the woods tastes better (prolly cuz it’s the only option you’ve got). 🙂
El punto es que: it feels good and wild to be in the middle of the woods.
It does. It’s just feels… real, I guess. Real and freeing. Nothing about being outside makes you feel burdened. No, its the exact opposite. Te sientes firme; grounded within yourself but emotionally light at the same time.
Now, tell me of a vacation, that’s THAT cheap, que te hace sentir asi! You’d be hard pressed to find a more accessible getaway that gives you todo esos “feels”. Woods abound, my loves! Find one and wander deep.
- What are your favorite “woods” or forests to visit? Mine are in the Great Smokey Mountains!
Blue Bell Bloom, The Cotswolds, England

“Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember; a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion.”
Lorraine Anderson
It’s funny how even a tiny sliver of natural beauty can fill us with all the warmth in the world. No tienes que ir to far off exotic places, and you don’t have to pay much… that kind of beauty can be in your own back yard. Small, seemingly insignificant patches of “the outdoors” can excite us and delight us, solo tenemos que ser intencional.
I find that long walks outside often surprise me with their beauty. Tambien aprendà que just a going a little farther into nature than I usually go can bring about some of the BEST adventures. So much about travel is the act of wandering, you know? Why not go to a nearby state park, or reserve and do just that!
No sabes todo lo que puedes encontrar!
You could stumble across a field of wild flowers that take your breath away. You might come across un rio that inspires you to “go with the flow” or una montaña que te hace sentir powerful and capable of taking on whatever comes your way. All it takes is intention, mi amor. Intention and a little bit of research. Find the cool spots nearby. Check your community nature sites for nifty events like “butterfly season” or when the poppies bloom. Plan to be outdoors for those moments and then just let your feet take you on a fun new journey!
The surprises of a stroll are the best part, no crees?
- What are some of your favorite “nature surprises” that you’ve encountered?
Sky On Fire, Red Rock Canyon, NV

“Sleep under a blanket of stars, and your heart will forever be kept warm by your love of life.”
Anthony T. Hincks
Es maravilloso when you get the chance to spend the entire day outside. I mean, el dia ENTERO. Being outside during the light hours is fantastic, yes, but something incredible occurs when the sun goes down. First, sunsets que impactan, (obvio) but as dusk sweeps in and night slowly envelops the sky… new magic starts to occur.
No sé, es como que you feel the enormity of the cosmos, of this amazing earth we live in, all around you. You begin to feel how truly small we are in the grand scheme of things. That does something to a person’s spirit, amores. It’s an uplifting experience that reminds us how much there is “out there” and just how insignificant the problems we stress about really are.
It’s good for us to be humbled by the grandeur of nuestro alrededor. And dammit, its an excellent reminder que tenemos so much to be grateful for! Just the fact that we get to witness the magic of the day morphing into night while breathing in the fresh air – that’s enough to sing about!
Being able experience nature en esa manera is a gift.
Experiencias asà son total game changers for the soul; priorities align, confusing thoughts become clear, passions become evident, and a zest for making the best of each day blossoms. Its true, y lo sabes!
The best thing es que no tienes que viajar to get that feeling. Fortunately, you don’t have to fly anywhere to have your nature-cup filled. You can simply go out to your back yard, or a neighborhood park, or an empty field. The flatter the location the better, actually…. that way the heavens can REALLY be on display.
Look up my loves. Let that feeling of wonder en tu corazon!
Nature always hits the spot.
- Do you like to look up at the sky? Are you more into clouds, sunsets, or stars?
Frozen Mountain Lake, Colorado

“To be whole. To be complete. Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.”
Terry Tempest Williams
A veces, we feel disconnected, sentimos que the world we live in is so divided and that we are all alone out here in the chaos. Pero, something about going away from everything and everyone reminds us of a pretty important fact:
…that we are all tied together.
Es verdad, mi gente… we are connected by this Earth we share. This land that we tred on is essentially a living breathing time-capsule of the generations of people who came antes de nosotros; a tie to the past. Human beings, each with their own personal stories, loves and adventures, have walked and will continue to walk across the same paths that we are strolling upon. Esta tiera – we share it.
How amazing is that?!
What’s even more intense, es la realización de que, no matter how different we may seem, we all still live off this incredible planet. We all need fresh air, and water, and sunlight. No podemos sobrevivir without it. And what’s more, we ALL benefit deeply from the natural beauty around us. It’s built into our DNA. The enchanting fragrance of flowers, the way sunlight gives us happiness-inducing endorphins, the symbolic beauty of the seasons changing, the by-god lessons of the circle of life.
Nature touches each of us.
Es parte de ser humano.
How cool, that going off into the wilderness alone, can actuallty make us feel even more intertwined with the rest of humanity? Está bello, eso. That sneaking off to a scenic spot, and spending un poquito de tiempo alone with our thoughts and with con la naturaleza, is enough to make us thankful for our human connections.
Just one more reason to do it more, amiright!?
- Who do you think about when you are alone in nature? What relationships are you most thankful for when you are alone with your thoughts?
Bayou Views, Louisiana

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.”
Alice Walker
Perfection aint shit. Haha! It’s funny to say, pero es la realidad. There is beauty in the imperfect. Straight facts, right?
We know that true perfection is an illusion, a faulty aspiration. Cosas reales have flaws, strange characteristics, y a veces even “ugly bits”. That’s perfectly normal and perfectly wonderful, mi gente.
In fact, it is in it’s flaws that something becomes truly beautiful.
Uniqueness is even better than perfection. Si todo fuera perfecto, everything would be the same in it’s “perfectness”… becoming uniforn. And in case no one told you, uniformity is boring. Óyeme, that goes for nature as well as humans.
The “differences” in nature lo hace magnifico!
If every tree looked alike, how disastrous that would be. It’s the really tall trees, or the knobby trees, or the supremely atypical trees that catch our eyes. Same goes for plants, bodies of water, rocks, landscapes. The more interesting, THE BETTER. What a joy it is, cuando ves algo diferente!! I love coming across things outdoors that stick out, or look awkward… they catch off guard in the best way.
Inevitably, they become the “cool thing” that I remember when I return home.
If only we saw exploratory walks through nature igual a the strolls we take through a new town we are visiting. If we looked at the two things the same way, es posible que we’d find the same joy at coming across the unexpected. Maybe we’d giggle at the “weird” things we encounter. Maybe we would come home with exciting stories to tell about how something we always thought was strange is actually beautiful to us now.
Quién sabe?
- Tell me about something you saw in nature, that was perfect in it’s weirdness!
White Tree Magic, White Sands National Park, NM

“Now I see the secret of making the best person, it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.”
Walt Whitman
Mi gente, yo pienso que a lot of us like to travel because we love the versions of ourselves that we get to be while we are away from our responsibilities; while we are exploring some place new. Too much of the time, nos sentimos bogged down by life so we jump at the chance to be carefree and adventurous.
La cosa que quiero decirte es, that you… WE… can have that same experience by going into nature for a time.
You don’t have to travel far to get a glimpse of that carefree version of yourself, my love.
I don’t know about you, pero, I’ve learned that I like myself best when I’m out and about in nature. That Joana is different in the best way. She is braver and more adventurous. Ella es mas intencional; she walks with purpose. She is a version of me that welcomes quiet, pensive thoughts and simple joys. Ella escucha mas y habla menos. That girl keeps her eyes wide open, not wanting to miss a minute of the wonders that are unfolding all around her.
Who doesn’t love a version of themselves that doesn’t take a single thing for granted?
Travel isn’t the only place you can be free, friends. Give the outdoors a shot, if you are unable to fly somewhere new. It’s a great option that provides similar results, trust me on this.
- Where are you the “best version of yourself?” What brings that out in you?
Eerie + Enchanting, Hoh Rainforest, WA

“Come to the woods, for here is rest. There is no repose like that of the green deep woods.”
John Muir
Not for nothing, friends, pero la naturaleza te cura el corazon in a way that a city vacay just can’t. Both are great, but only one heals those deep wounds that threaten to steal your joy. Just another reason to make plans to head outdoors more often.
Este pandemic has been hard para muchos de nosotros. So many of us are walking around with broken hearts, broken spirits, and weary souls. Unfortunately, it’s a condition that we seem to be sharing in large numbers. Thankfully, we have something que nos puede ofrecer un poquito de consolación….
The great outdoors can heal, boos. It really can.
Nature is great for those of us who are weary; es como medicina para dashed hopes, and shattered dreams. It envelops us in feelings of comfort while still pushing us forward. Digo, there’s actual science to prove that too. I mean, fresh air, exercise, meditation, sunlight… hello endorphins and serotonin!
Because travel is so tricky right now, allow me to suggest a hike? Or a weekend camping trip? Or even a day by the water!
Pueden aliviar tus penas!
- Have you ever used nature as soul medicine? What type of environment works best at relieving
Smoky Mountain Scenery, Clingman’s Dome

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery. Air, mountains, trees, people. I thought: this is what it is to be happy.”
Sylvia Plath
Happiness is overrated, ya lo sé. But, I am here to tell you that it’s also underrated too. I said what I said. 🙂
The power of joy can not be overlooked!
La cosa es que a veces we look for happiness and joy in the wrong things, or in the wrong people, or in selfish, temporary pleasures. Also, we mess up is when we put too much importance on it… seeking that feeling of bliss in an effort to fix our problems. Eso no es bueno, and it’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m talking about seeking out joy. The simple kind.
Sometimes we look to lofty, high-falutin’ things to bring us joy when simple things have the power to do that in spades. Y “the simple things” are closer to us que pensamos! All around us, in fact. The world, the earth, nature can bring us those tiny pleasures… solo tenemos que abrir los ojos; we just need to look harder.
Dime, have you ever found yourself smiling at the fluttering-by of a butterfly? Have you ever watched the waves roll in at la playa and felt a sense of profound peace? Have you ever felt a cool breeze en tu cara and let out a cheery sigh? YES! ME TOO!!
That’s because sometimes la cosas mas simples bring us moments of true, unadulterated happiness.
- Tell me about something simple that brought you joy today?
Vast beauty, Valley of the Gods, UT

“My wish is to stay always like this, living quietly in a corner of nature.”
Claude Monet
As I get older, me doy cuenta de how important it is to get away, and get outside. I get it now. All these older folks buying cabins in the woods, or houses on the lake, or motorhomes so they could boondock- they understood something that I didn’t. I frigging get it now.
Life is crazy, and getting away is VITAL to our mental health.
No has visto cómo older travelers choose vacays that have a lot of scenic views and less running around? Or how their itineraries aren’t overloaded with places to hit, and instead involve relaxing in a beautiful spot? YUH! Ellos saben algo; they are in on a secret. Being still is important to our health, and getting away is necessary for serenity and rest.
Not ALL the time, duh, pero más de lo que pensamos.
The older I get, the less I want to be running around marking off to-do list items on my vacations. Life is hard enough as it is without ripping and running throughout my “break”. No ma’am. Yo quiero descansar. Like, don’t get me wrong… I’m a city girl and I love the movement of urban living but I am just saying that yo entiendo totalmente the allure of peaceful moments away from it all.
I think a lot of us do… that’s why RVing became a huge international hit this year. Amiright?
- Who else wants to live in a “quiet corner of nature” for a while?
Dream views, Lake Tahoe, NV

“In a cool solitude of trees, where leaves and birds a music spin, mind that was weary is at ease, new rhythms in the soul begin.”
William Dean Seymour
Tell me, have you ever spent some time away and come back una nueva persona?
Have you ever ventured out into the wild and returned with a new life plan?
Yo se que suena un poco cómico; cheesy even. I know, like something out of a movie, but there’s a reason que la gente dicen those kinds of stories. Ultimately, it’s because they actually happen in real life.
Nature can transform us.
Simplemente, being outdoors can remind us who the hell we are. The act of wandering through the wild can shut off the pushy voices all around us so that our own inner voice can finalmente speak out truths. Additionally, those adventures out into nature tambien pueden revelar the things that truly make us happy. They can also straighten out our priorites as well as the relationships that truly matter.
It happens all the time. Quiet moments+ beauty scenery= clarity.
With clarity comes ideas, wisdom, courage, vision, ambition, drive… etc. Esas cosas rarely come from a girl’s trip to Cancun! Ha! Although fun, a clear life goal not typically the by-product of that kind of trip. So, while we wait for things to get back to normal… porque no ir afuera, with the goal of some extra soul-cleansing clarity? Right?
I think that if you leave your faux-travel excursion outside with an extra pep in your step and a new song in your heart… then you’ve done it right!

Mis amores, I hope you have enjoyed this quote-filled post. I’ve honestly been sad about how hard it has been to travel this year, and it certainly cheered me up to remember how many cool experiences I can still have from the comfort of my own neighborhood, state, and country.
La única cosa que necesito is a good patch of nature. The great outdoors can do wonders.
I, actually, had the pleasure of getting out recently. Mi familia y yo nos fuimos for a month of outdoor adventures and it truly changed my life; changed my outlook on life too. En total, it made me realize that what I need to “keep going” can change with the different seasons of life.
Right now, during a panorama (Ha!), the great outdoors are coming thru in the “feels” department and that’s perfectly ok. As a matter of fact, it’s better than ok. It’s amazing. I’m learning how important it is to just get away; to escape into la naturaleza con el corazon abierto. This earth, and all it’s wonders, has so much to teach me about life, the world, and myself. If I’m being honest, it also provides something that traveling through a city full of tourists, cannot.
Nature satisfies soul cravings, it uplift spirits, it calms anxiety, it inspires, and brings joy!
That right there makes it pretty damn special!
I hope this series of amazing quotes and the beautiful pictures along with them have given you some ideas of ways you can enjoy what you have all around you, my loves. I’ll be back soon!
Los quiero!