Mi gente! Just like that– the year is over! Se acabó! Crazy, huh? I can’t believe we are heading into 2022 already! I gotta tell you, I really do enjoy looking forward to the kinds of adventures the new year will hold para todos nosotros, but I also think that it’s important to look back. Maybe just as important. To remember, with gratitude, the amazing things we’ve done, los lugares maravillosos that we’ve been too, and the tremendous memories we’ve made- essentially, all of the best travel moments we’ve experienced this year.
I feel like the best way to really start the new year on the right foot, is to do so con gratitud.
Now, I’ve had a fantastic year, you guys! He visto so many beautiful spots, the kinds of scenic vistas that stay with you para toda tu vida. I’ve also had the immense pleasure of journeying around with some of the most incredible people, my family (por supuesto) but also friends- old and new- and extended family that I haven’t seen in a while . Tambien tuve la oportunidad to explore all kinds of interesting locations, those I was already familiar with, and others that I was able to enjoy for the first time.
Como te dije, It’s been a big year for us on the travel front.
Some memories stick out more than others, though. Y esos! Those are the ones I’d like to share with you to cap off 2021! The totally rad ones that left a beautiful mark! The ones that leave me with a heart full of gratitude!
You wanna take a stroll conmigo down my travel memory lane?
Si? Well then, Vamonos!
1. Arches National Park- Moab, Utah

While we were RVing throughout the Southwest in the Springtime, we set out to see as many national parks as we possibly could. Primero, porque up to that point, we had only been to 3 (and that’s a pathetic amount for a so-call “travel family”). Y segundo, because we desperately wanted to get to know “The Great Outdoors” intimately.
As a bonafide city-girl/scaredycat, I can honestly say that I was sorely lacking in my wilderness experience! Ha! Ya era tiempo to remedy that!
So yea, national parks! And lots of them!
At the top of our list were the big 5 in Utah porque siempre que abro Instagram, some travel blogger has posted yet another pic from the Utah parks; it was time to experience them for ourselves! No pudimos ver all of them, so we chose our top 2: Arches and Zion. Arches being the one we devoted the most time to…
Boy – it did not disappoint.
Amigos, we drove around a far bit, we hiked ALOT, and basically tried to take in most of the park. All of it was lovely. Some of it was un poquito scary, not gunna lie, but mostly it was just lovely. MY favorite hike, though, was the Sand Dune Arch one. Te lleva through big cavernous rock formations, on soft red sand. It’s like being inside a wonderful sandy maze. The way the sunlight dances and moves through the slits in the rocks, es mágico, de verdad. You can meander thru the canyons or just sit on the sand and enjoy your surrounding. Either way, es impactante.
It’s supposed to be the “kiddie hike” because it’s an easy walk- EFF all that! I enjoyed the hell of out it. 🙂
Quiet, beautiful, majestic-that’s how I would describe it. It definitely left an impression on me.
- Have you ever visited Arches National Park? What’s Your favorite hike?
Arches National Park was incredible
2. Sunset over the water- Charleston, SC

Charleston was not my favorite place, I’ll be the first to admit that.
Although the architecture was incredible, most notably- THE DOORS, I just couldn’t shake how the sad history of the area just made me feel heavy. No amount of lovely buildings or colorful puertas could erase the heaviness of the city for me… y esa es la verdad. Slavery was SUCH an instrumental part in the formation, construction, and legacy of the city, that I just couldnt really enjoy it. Now, others may love it. More power to them, but slavery is just a very tangible element of the city’s essence… and as a ancestor of slaves – Charleston was not my cup of tea.
I tell you todo eso so that you can understand one thing: my feelings and how they changed.
Charleston wasn’t hitting it for me, so mi marido decidio to take us all on a car ride out to the beach to see the famous lighthouse and the ocean for a while. Su intención was to erase the negative vibes from the day and replace them with peaceful ones. Mi gente, that’s exactly what he did!
Folly Beach and the surrounding area really came through for us.
The sky, the marshland, the ocean, the clouds – they all presented themselves in their “Sunday best” and performed for us. That’s how it felt, at least. Me dejarón con la boca abierta; my jaw was on the floor the entire evening. Los colores in the sky were soft, soothing and serene. The sun kissed the water and moved as if were dancing into the horizon, leaving sparkles behind to enchant our hearts. The breeze played with our hair and the ocean smoothed away our anxious thoughts.
It’s as if Nature itself was trying to help me (us) find a silver lining to the trip, to the day, to the city.
And that’s exactly what happened. Charleston may not be my favorite, pero el area surrounding it *IS* truly beautiful. Maybe next time, we will skip the city and just enjoy the natural parts of South Carolina some more.
- Have you ever been to a city that left a bad taste in your mouth? Or on the flip- had a city ever redeem itself to you?
3. Exploring the French Quarter- New Orleans, LA

Can you believe that at 37 I STILL hadn’t seen Nola?
Yo tampoco! What a disgrace!
I was so desperate to finally see the city of New Orleans, most specifically the French Quarter, que I made it the first stop on our roadtrip out west. The FIRST ONE! I’m so glad I did, too!
NOLA met each and every once of my expectations. Lemme set the scene….
Cuando llegue, I was met by music. The sounds of a New Orleans jazz quartet playing on a street corner drew me in first, then came the smells. Freshly baked beignets wafted my way from Café Du Monde… 🙂 The next sense that was activated fue mi vista, I mean have you SEEN the buildings in Nola? What a sight to behold! And y’all know how I feel about pretty doors! They were everywhere!
What can I say? Me enamoré.
I spent my time wandering in and out of streets with my eyes wide open, y mi camera ready para tomar fotos. I legit felt like I was the main character in a movie or something. Fue increíble! OH, and that was before I even got to use my sense of TASTE, too! That may have been the best part!
The food pushed me over the top! I had crawfish etouffee for the first time at Cafe Pontalba, right near Jackson Square y estoy segura que I went for heaven for a little bit! 🙂 It was so damn good that the meal is now on my list of top 10 dishes… that’s how much I frigging loved it. Check out this recipe by Immaculate Bites if you wanna try to make it at home! 🙂
New Orleans was awesome. I’m so glad I didn’t miss my chance to experience it with all my senses!
- Have you meandered though the French Quarter? What did you think of it?
Crawfish Etouffee at Cafe Pontalba
4. Stumbling upon a Pride Parade- Miami Beach, FL

My latest weekend getaway, the one I took to Miami, was full of surprises. Primeramente, me and my friend Jenny were welcomed into the city by a crazy huge rain storm and then we had an intruder try to break into our airbnb. Sopresas bien malas, I tell you! Well, except for one really fantastic surprise, that is…
We just so happened to be in town for the Miami Beach Pride Parade!
Usually, Pride happens in June, so it didn’t even cross mi mente que it might be going down while we were visiting. And certainly not 2 blocks from where we were staying! It was a total win! One of the best travel moments of the year!
Now, dejame explicar, you’ve gotta understand… I’m all about supporting Pride month. I have friends and family who are members of the LGBTQ+ community and I’m a very vocal ally… or at least I try to be. I jump at the chance to celebrate! There’s also the fact that Pride is such a friggin JOYOUS occasion. Essentially, es un tiempo para celebrar el amor; love is being celebrated everywhere you look! Y hello, RAINBOWS!
Who doesn’t love rainbows?
This wonderful surprise was especially great porque Jenny had never been to a parade. Watching her get el chance to shout out “Happy Pride” to young queer couples, who might have been celebrating for the first time- it was so beautiful. She was teary. I was teary. It’s a beautiful thing when you see humanity coming together just to show each other love, acceptance, and solidarity, no crees?
Just a delightful experience all together! One of those traveling serendipities!
- Have you ever been to a Pride Parade? Where?
5. Adventuring at White Sands-
White Sands, New Mexico

White Sands National Park is actually my FAVORITE national park!
After our month long tour of the west and it’s national parks, I can say with certainty… it did it for me!
There are muchas razones to love the big mountainous parks, and they really are spectacular, pero I really keep coming back to White Sands as my fave. First off, it had ZERO crowds. That might seem like a bad thing- “Don’t crowds mean there’s actually something worth seeing?” Bump that. There were less crowds because its a new national park and because it’s lesser known. Eschuchame bien, crowds can ruin even the best parks.
There’s nothing worse than being bumped into by hoards of tourists, no me importa how pretty the views are! I’m looking at you Zion!
This park was quiet and devoid of massive groups, so we got to enjoy it uninterrupted and at our own pace.
Another reason I loved White sands: It’s gorgeous. Deveras que it looks like something from another planet… or Star Wars or something. I mean, when have you seen pure white sand dunes surrounded by mountains? I mean, come ON! Breaktaking isnt even a strong enough palabra to describe it.
Lastly, it’s SUPER FUN! You guys, you get to slide down sand dune hills on greased sleds! O sea, hello! Fun for the whole family! We haven’t laughed that hard in ages! The sliding down took some finesse and a wee bit of skill, pero once you got the hang of it, tan divertido!
If you haven’t ever visited, put it on your list! White Sands is rad!
6. Cold Cabin Getaway- Great Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg, TN

When nature really touches your soul… those moments are ones that make life all the more sweet. I’ve written about how natural scenic places really hit me in every one of my feels, but this place was extra special… because it was bello in a way we didn’t expect.
In January, tuvímos la oportunidad to head up to the Smoky Mountains for a week. We were in search of snow and cold weather. Being from Florida, no tenemos cold- like ever- so all 4 of us we real excited to try and get a peak at some snow before winter ended. Rentamos una cabana in Gatlinburg, TN with the most incredible mountain views you can imagine and we set off on our adventure.
Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate and we didn’t get not a flake of snow… but thankfully, the landscape came to the rescue!
We ended up spending la semana entera going on hikes through the woods, exploring the mountain towns of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, and just rocking on our rocking chairs while looking out at the view from our cabin.
Que te puedo decir? it was incredible soul-filling.
Sometimes the best travel moments come when nothing goes according to plan and you just make the decision to enjoy the ride. That’s what we did in Gatlinburg. No, we didn’t ski, or sled, or have snow ball fights… but we had a truly terrific time turning lemons into lemonade. Eso es lo importante!
- Have you ever had a trip turn out completely different than how you planned?
7. Rolling up on Lady Liberty by ferry- NYC

Most of you know this already, but I’m a New Yorker; born and raised in the Bronx.
Pero te digo algo, even the New Yorkiest of New Yorkers will admit that they have yet hit all of the tourist attractions that the city has to offer. Yep, its true. Mas que eso, some live their whole lives without ever seeing the biggies, like the Statue of Liberty! Crazy, verdad?
Not me. I’ve been to see Lady Liberty once. Just a tiny step up from the norm! Ha!
On my September trip to the city, I decided that it was time to see her otra vez, but this time con los niños! It was my babies’ first time really touring Nueva York so I felt it was truly imperative that they see The Statue of Liberty, but up close and on a ferry- as God intended! The only problem was that with family visits and other engagements, I waited too late. Esperé hasta the last momento, the last few hours before we had to get to the airport, to decide to do it.
*Cue adventure*
Long story short, we made it. But only just barely. Fue un fiasco! We ran to the subway, hopped on several trains downtown to Battery Park and ran onto the line for the Ferry. We only just made the cut for the last possible Ferry ride that could take us to Liberty Island and back en la hora that we had left before we had to get back to the hotel. Fue un verdadero milagro that we managed it; a damn miracle, I tell you!
But we saw her. And The kids loved every minute of it. What an adventure.
She really is incredible to behold. #worthit
- Have you ever been to see the Statue of Liberty?
8. Winter Wonderland Escapades- Salt Lake City, UT

It’s a running theme in this blog post, I think, that sometimes the best travel moments come from unexpected experiences; when things don’t go according to plan. Asi es!
Welp, antes de llegar a Salt Lake City, Utah, we had a tire blow out on our camper. We were stranded on the side of the road for hours. Y despues, a snow storm hit! The plan was to enjoy a lovely 50 degree day in sunny Salt Lake, and got a wet, sloshy, 29 degrees instead. We could’ve been bummed, but being the seasoned pros que somos, we made some more of that lemonade I was telling you about.
We read que Red Butte Gardens was still open, even in the snow, y que tenía beautiful views of the city no matter the weather, so we went for it! La familia entera bundled up and headed out to do Salt Lake the best way we possibly could under the conditions… we had no idea how much of a win it would be until we got there!
El lugar es bellisimo! Just gorgegous!
Imagine a humungous garden filled with winding paths and every type of plant or flower known to man, each covered in perfect snow crystals. Ahora, imagine that garden being on the top of a huge hill that overlooks the entire city. And then, imaginate- us being there all alone. YAS!
It was like getting to play in our own snowy version of “The Secret Garden“. We explored the paths, we looked at all of the flowers, “oohed and ahhed” at the views, and then had the craziest snow ball fall you’ve ever seen! It was the MOST fun day we could have asked for. Deveras! Best part? We were all alone because everyone else was indoors!
I will never forget ese dia tan especial; sometimes the best days are the ones that start the worst!
- Have you ever turned a travel day around after the weather threatened to ruin it?
9. Seeing New York in a new light – Domino Park, Brooklyn

New York makes this list dos veces! That’s right, it’s double special!:)
So, on the NYC trip que tuve in September, I had one blissful day to myself. My plan was to meet up with a sweet Insta friend on her home turf. She is from Williamsburg, Brooklyn (an area I’d only ever seen in movies), so ella me invitó to spend the afternoon exploring her neighborhood along with Domino Park. I obliged with glee.
Growing up poor in the Bronx, you don’t get out much. Not to Manhattan and especially not to Brooklyn.
Cuando era chiquita, we barely left the block. Traveling to the other boroughs was expensive and time consuming, it just didnt happen often. So yea, I went my whole life without spending time in Brooklyn. It was time that changed!
My friend gave me the complete tour: we saw incredible street art, comimos en un little local café, and walked up and down the city blocks. Everything felt so familiar, yet so different. The faces looked different than they did in my block. The smells were totally different. The buildings no eran igual. But it was still New York.
It was New York, but from a different angle.
We spent the biggest bulk of our time caminando through Domino Park. Que belleza. The park was truly lovely, new and well taken care off. This was obviously where the locals (old and young) like to spend their time, y yo se porque: the view. I mean, the park has a food court, turf for people to lay on, and seating with electric plugins for laptops and cell phone- but the view is the main event!
It’s quite literally, New York from a different angle. From the opposite perspective, and its just wonderful!
Sometimes, the best thing is exploring a place you think you know, is letting it introduce itself to you in a brand new way!
- Do you ever explore your own hometown?
10. Conquering new heights at the Grand Canyon

Have I ever mentioned to you guys, que I’m deathly afraid of heights? Pues, si! I totally am.
I hate them and have for as long as I can remember. I don’t enjoy any activity that puts me at the edge of a precipice. Asi es and I’ve gotten to a place in my life where I’m ok with that. Or I was, hasta que we decided to hit all these damn National Parks with their mountain peaks and high overlooks! Add to that that most places we went had no guardrails and the fact that I have two clumsy kids… I was a nervous wreck. Estuvé on the verge de un panic attack todo el tiempo.
That paralyzing fear hit hard in Zion, carried on to Arches National Park, and then reached it’s zenith at the Grand Canyon.
No se que pasó, but at one point (while we were supposed to be having fun), I broke down crying. The fear was too much. I was scared that my kids would fall over. I was scared that an accident would happen. I was too scared to even enjoy the place we had spent so much time and money to get to. Fué terrible, my friends.
But then, something happened, a break through.
I realized that my fear came from lack of control. Yo estaba afraid of bad things happening that were out of my control and I understood very quickly that when I felt like I was actually in control, I could enjoy the views no problem. So, we had un pequeño change of plans. El Marido took the kids to explore the park, and I stayed behind alone to do the same thing by myself. We split up.
On my own, I could go slow. On my own, I could see the views from a safe distance away the railing (or what I deemed a safe distance:). The key was doing it at my pace y tambien in the way that I felt most comfortable.
So our plans had to change. We didn’t end up exploring the Grand Canyon together, andhonestly that’s ok. That worked for us. We still enjoyed the park and we all learned something that day. Yo, especialmente.
Sometimes we have to change our expectations of ourselves and our situations in order to appreciate moments better.
Perfection doesn’t exist. When we accept that and adapt… that’s when the magic happens.
- Have you ever had to change plans drastically in order to enjoy them?

2021 was a beautiful year for our family! We had the opportunity to travel and explore in ways that we never had before. We saw places that took our breath away, we created memories that we will cherish forever, y mas que nada – we learned how to make the best out of every situation.
For me, every single trip brought me growth, humility, fun, excitement, and treasured moments. I’ll be forever grateful!
Y sabes que mas? I’m incredibly grateful for YOU, too. You have done this traveling thing with me all year. I want you to know that I have brought you with me en cada una de mis viajes; you’ve been with me every step of the way. We’ve basically had these experiences together, my loves!
Thank you so much for joining me and for being a part of my community!
I cant wait to see all that 2022 holds for us!
No se what will happen, but I can assure you- it will be an adventure!
Bring it on!!! Happy New year, my loves!
Los quiero mucho!