Lipsticks. Pintalabios. Rouges. I’ve got a millions of them. I actually carry like 10 with me in my purse on any given day. On any given *normal* day, that is. When I travel, I might have even more. Ha! No, I’m not exaggerating! I love bold lip color. No puedo mentir, if I’m honest I might be borderline obsessed with…
The rain jacket I never leave home without
One thing you gotta know about me is: I HATE getting my hair wet. I think I speak for most of mis hermanas when I say, we work too damn hard to get our hair looking just right to let some stupid rain screw it all up.
England Essential: The Classic Trench
I have a confession to make. I always, always go shopping before a big trip. I know, I know, it’s problematic.
The Shoes I Take on Every Trip
Ask anybody who knows me, I’m a girl who likes variety. Nah, forget “like”, I NEED variety. In ALL things. Especially in my fashion. You guys, I friggin cringe when someone tells me that I have to pack for a trip in a teeny-weeny suitcase, because that means I won’t be able to bring fashion options! Ha! Ya lo se,…