I’m what I like to call a “wanna-be foodie”. I’m not like some of these Bougie people out there who only want the fanciest, most exotic meals when they travel. Nah! I love me some street food or greasy diner grub, just as much as I like that high-end stuff. But while I wouldn’t classify myself as a legit “foodie”, I do work real hard to find the BEST food that I can when I travel to a new place; the best bang for my buck. ESO SI! I read all the blogs, ask friends for their favorite suggestions, and I check out reviews. I do my damn homework. Because, listen, eating is a huge part of the traveling experience. HUGE. It just is. It’s what connects you to the place and the people and the local vibe of a city. So, yea, I’m meticulous about that food research, yes sir! If I’m gunna devote time and money to a trip, imma eat only the delicious things and weed out the touristy shit. I usually jot down like 10-15 options and arrive with my list handy so that I can pick as I go. That’s exactly what I did when the Marido and I flew up to Chi-town for our anniversary weekend last June.

“People who love to eat are always the best people.”
-Julia Child
Chicago is foodie-heaven y’all! The yummy options are endless and the cool cuisine fusions are everywhere. If I didn’t have a plan, I would’ve been hella overwhelmed. Thankfully, I knew exactly where I wanted to go first. The Little Goat Diner. I’d read reviews, watched travel shows, heard from amigos -all saying the same thing, this place is maravilloso! They all warned me against leaving Chicago without at least trying to get in. Luck was on our side when we got a reservation for the day and time we wanted… brunch. The aesthetics were clean, modern, and homey all at once. Adorbs. The coffee was friggin superb. My egg dish was next level with its innovation and creativity. But for GODS SAKE, it’s the cinnamon roll that sent me into a euphoric state. That thing should be trademarked…. put on billboards… given its own Instagram page. It’s that good! Just look at the picture, you can almost taste the frosting. The place is worth the hype. Not many things are, this place absolutely is!
“Ooey Gooey Cinnabun” “This Little Piggy Went to Market” Cappuccino The Marido is all smiles at The Little Goat Diner
Also worth the hype, Velvet Taco. It’s up on the Gold Coast, where we stayed, and lemme tell you them tacos hit the SPOT. Especially after a night of drunken laughing fits at the Second City show. They were inventive in some regards, but wonderfully traditional in others. A good taqueria knows that fresh ingredients and authenticity carry a lot of weight! With any food, really! Verdad que si?

“Ways to My Heart: Buy Me Tacos, Make Me Tacos, Be Tacos.”
I had my sights on 3 other highly reviewed eateries for the following day of our anniversary adventure. Our hotel had a bomb-ass restaurant, The Somerset, that people raved about online and from the snazzy, hipster decor, I was sold. The Marido and I almost never get the exact same meal… so we can share, obvio. But this time, we both really wanted to try what the waiter said was the best thing in the menu, The Baked Eggs. Yall! It was spicy, it was flavorful, and by the end of breakfast, The Marido had a gleam in his eye. So damn good.

After a few hours, we headed to Luke’s Lobster for what is heralded as “the best lobster roll you’ll ever eat”. Whoever made that claim is honest AF, they spoke truth! That thing was slathered in butter, the lobster pieces were friggin huge and the bread was perfectly crunchy. I moaned after every bite. Not an exaggeration. I dream about that lobster roll to this day.
I ate like a queen in Chicago. In just 2 days, my belly was completely satisfied with what I’d put inside it. But I can’t end this post without telling you guys about my favorite spot for drinks!! Cocktails in particular! A friend recommended, Cindy’s Rooftop bar in the old historic Chicago Athletic Association building downtown. Dope drinks and a friggin stellar view of Hyde Park. The COOLEST spot ever! Not to mention, the beautiful People are everywhere. Dios mio! Your eyes and and your taste buds go berserk the whole time you’re there. Trust.

Ah! Chicago! I didn’t even scrape surface of that amazing city’s food scene. But I gotta say, I enjoyed every minute. If you are looking for a city to gain 5-10 glorious vacation pounds in, hit Chi-town! Go to the fantastic spots I mentioned… you will not be disappointed. You Might even be tempted to write me a thank you note! Ha!

Con cariño,
Krystin C
I’ve never been, but I know where to look to plan out my days! Very informative but in a fun way…Loved it!
Girl, if you ever go to Chicago, take me with you! I promise to take you to only the yummy spots!