I have a confession to make. I always, always go shopping before a big trip. I know, I know, it’s problematic. I mean, the trip usually costs enough… spending more money isn’t exactly the wisest course of action. But, it’s part of the travel experience for me! I mean, who doesn’t like buying a new dress to wear by the beach, or getting a cool new pair of mittens to wear in the mountains?? Right?!?! Claro! So, the shopping I do before a trip, is actually an important part of my travel experience. It’s essential, if you will. That’s what I’ll tell The Marido from now on. 🙂

Before my trip to England this year, I had a few things I wanted to purchase. Cute, but comfy boots, a paddy hat, some on-trend lipsticks, etc. But at the TOP of my list was a trench coat. I mean, OBVIO! They’re freaking iconic! And almost synonymous with London. I can’t even visualize a classy London look without it involving a kick ass trench. They go perfectly with casual AND dressy outfits; you can glam them up or make them edgy. Basically, a fashion staple! At least in my head.
Finding the right trench though, that was hard! Mainly because the types of trenches that tickled my fancy were the uber expensive classic-looking ones. And I couldn’t justify anything over $40 to The Marido, who at that point hadn’t bought a single extra item for his suitcase. Guys, I hit the friggin jackpot at Marshall’s of all places, found a cute trench, and in my size, for $25. A STEAL! And I looked damn good in it too!

Overall, I was absolutely right to buy my trench coat! First of all, they were EVERYWHERE in England. Totally in style there (and everywhere really). Ladies all over the place had their own variation of the classic coat. Secondly, I loved the way it flowed behind me while I walked. And how it sassed up even the grungiest of looks. I also loved the lightweight covering; I wasn’t ever too cold or too hot while wearing it. My trench is downright dreamy, guys. Now, I would be a big, fat mentirosa if I failed to mention that trenches do tend to wrinkle in suitcases. They do. BUT an iron or some shower steam solves that problem real quick.
Guys! Trench coats are totally worth it the investment! Totally! If you are heading to England anytime soon, or if you just wanna look cute as hell, get thee a trench!!
Click here to check out some adorable, yet inexpensive trench coats for yourself!

Con mucho carino,