“We may be loosing Summer, but at least we have Fall fashion.”
-Rosalynn Mejia
Mi gente, what’s poppin’?! I hope this October day finds you living your best Autumn life with cool breezes, warm cups of coffee, crunching leaves underfoot, and an abundance of love and friendship around you. This blog post will be a little differente than the usual. For this post, vamos a hablar de Fall travel fashion. I don’t know about you but one of my favorite things about este season is that it comes with the opportunity to bust out all of the clothing that’s been hiding away in the closet all summer long. Estoy hablando de jackets, flannel, hats, jeans, booties, and SCARVES! It makes me giddy just writing those words. Like, I’m giggling as we speak! Fashion is an outward expression of inward vibes, and Fall just gives us a bigger arsenal for fun, IMHO. Verdad que si? So, for this post… I’m thinking that we should hone in on one of my favorite travel essentials for the Fall season: The scarf. Buckle up, my cuties, this post is gunna be a scarf love sesh!

“In terms of fashion, I love adding a fun scarf to whatever I’m wearing – it’s a great way to dress up a plain outfit.”
Bridgit Mendler

Instant Pizazz
So listen, sometimes when we travel we don’t have enough room in our suitcases or carry-ons to pack a ton of variety. Ustedes saben. You end up having to re-wear the same outfits over and over in different ways out of necessity. Pero si eres inteligente, you know that there’s a way to make each outfit feel nuevo, even if you’re on the 3rd time recycling it…. A scarf, y’all! Pon atencion! You can add instant flair to a tired look with a pop of color around your neck! Or with a scarf that provides an interesting design aesthetic, texture, or pattern. And it’s hella simple; you just throw that thing on and strut on your way into that Italian Piazza! Bonus, they don’t take up too much espacio in that already tight suitcase. Scarves add style, they add color, they add pizazz… with almost no extra effort! This is a no brainer, amigas.

“Yesterday I wore something from 5 years ago and it actually fit. I was so proud of myself. It was a scarf, but still.”

Perfect Fit
Scarves always fit! Repeat after me, SCARVES ALWAYS FIT! Es verdad! No matter how many extra pounds you put on during the holiday season or how many you loose because of your new diet….your scarf is always gunna fit just right. That right there is plena razon to own several and always bring them with you where ever you go. They are tried and true fashion essentials! Son timeless y son dependable. They are always gunna work for you, no matter what your body is going through. And BONUS, if that scale is recording a few more lbs, your scarves can hide the traces of em. Yep, you can used them to camouflage the extra wobbly bits, if that’s what you want. Or you can own those wobbly bits and adorn them with a dope scarf for your jaunt around London! It’s up to you, queridos! El punto es, a scarf gives you OPTIONS!

“Adventure is out there, it’s heading our way. So grab your scarf and goggles, let’s fly!”
-Michael Giacchino

Para ser sincera, I have to tell you… I get cold quick. Ha! I do! I shiver when a cold breeze hits my skin. And aint nothing worse than being out on a day trip around someplace unpredictable like the Scottish highlands, and being hit with a serious chill that you have no hope of escaping from. I mean, its no fun to be stuck in a freezing restaurant… or nippy subway… or to be walking for miles with your arms wrapped around your body to fend off the frio. A scarf te puede salvar de todo eso; a scarf could save you from all of that. Scarves keep you warm. They are practical as well as cute. They are also super easy to carry… practically weightless! They keep you dry too, especially si eres como yo and you need to protect your newly straightened hair from the elements (I see you curly/coily girls!). They also protect your skin from getting too much sun, which is especially important for all my non-melanted friends. Que te dije? Insanely PRACTICAL! Add *that* to the list of scarf “pros”.

“Money doesn’t buy elegance. You can take an inexpensive sheath, add a pretty scarf, a grey shoe, a lovely bag, and it will always be elegant.”
-Carolina Herrera

Instant Elegance
Let’s face it, sometimes comfort doesn’t equal cute. Sometimes you wear things because they feel good, and that outweighs the adorb factor. A veces you need a certain part of tu outfit for a specific function, like keeping la lluvia off you or warding off snow, and that means you have to sacrifice elegance for your needs. Enter scarves. Es totalmente posible to elevate your classy quotient on those days, just by including a scarf into your ensemble. Just throw a cute chunky, knitted scarf ensima de tu plain, winter coat or add a soft, colorful pashmina in with your water-proof trench. Instant elegance. Just with that simple addition, you have gone from “lady trying not to get wet in Barcelona” to “super adorable, fashionista trying not to get wet in Barcelona”. It’s subtle but highly important distinction, if you ask me. He he. 🙂

“A Stormy day, your dancing scarf. My beating heart, paused in photograph.”

Bling Substitute
There are times when you can’t find the perfect necklace. Situaciones when there’s just too much going on with your clothing to add a piece of jewelry to it. Posiblemente, the neckline is weird, or there is no neckline at all. That’s a perfect opportunity for a scarf, y’all. Swap that bling for a dope neck wrapping and see how your problem is solved. You’ll be surprised just how versatile a scarf can be. Hay muchas oportunidades to level up, without having to bring in that gold or silver. A silk scarf… that’s the ticket. O sea, they are wicked CUTE and can be dressed up OR down. Tie that thing around your neck and you are a regular Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffanys. Amiright? So cute! All I’m saying is, give that bulky jewelry a rest for your stroll around the vineyards in Napa or your picnic at Riverside Park in NYC. Bust out a beautiful scarf instead. Mix it up a little. You wont regret it!

Amores, I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. I think I’ve done scarves the justice they deserve, no crees? Truth is, I’m just so happy. Traveling during this gorgeous Autumn season is lo mejor! Whether it’s the scarves ( I hope so) or the boots or the cute hats… please come correct with your Fall travel fashion. You owe it to this bomb ass weather. To your Instagram page. And to yourself! Hahah! Oh, and tag me at @travelinginspanglish when you look extra fierce, I wanna see all your best scarf lewks!
Until next time, friends!
Besos y abrazos,
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