Hola, Friends!
My name is a Joana.
I’m a thirty something Latina, born in the Boogie down Bronx and currently based in Florida. I’m the wife of a pretty dope white boy and “mami” to two amazing kiddos, whom I homeschool. I run a party planning business as a side gig and I travel every single chance I get. I’m a loud, sassy, bubbly, passionate, and outgoing woman… basically “a lot.”
That’s what happens when you mix a fiery Puerto Rican and a charismatic Cuban.
I love learning about people and their cultures, and eating good food, and feeling “cute”, and discovering scenic views, and witnessing street art, and encountering beautiful DOORS. Well, I love alot of things but this blog right here will focus on those in particular. If you love those things too, you’re in the right place!

Why, Spanglish?
Growing up, I felt like I bounced around between two worlds (mainstream America and Latinx society). I put a lot of energy into learning about the cultural communities all around me so that I could figure out where I fit, where “home” was.
As I’ve aged, I’ve realized that “fitting” isn’t necessary for me anymore, I’m a beautiful American hybrid, a colorful combination of the cultures around me. Essentially, the personification of Spanglish! Hence, the name of this site. Even still, the love of cultures has stayed with me.
And so, I travel.

I Keep it real!
Guys, I gotta be honest, I’m not a travel expert.
I didn’t pack my bags and leave my whole world behind to travel full time. Yo, I wish! Truth is, I’m just a girl trying to experience every bit of the world that I can, as often as I can. Sometimes, that means I’m off somewhere new with the family for a long vacay and sometimes its just a weekend getaway with my girls.
I can’t promise you that I’ll have detailed lists for you, for every single place I visit. This is not that kind of site. What I CAN promise is to bring you along with me as I encounter new people, new places, new languages, and new cultures. I’ll tell you about the cool things I’ve done, the things I think you should experience if you haven’t already, some style tips for your travel adventures, and (of course) I’ll share the incredible food you should eat along the way
Here’s my biggest promise:
I CAN promise to do so with an open heart, a camera at the ready, a shit ton of enthusiasm, a smattering of Spanglish, and a helluva lot of witty commentary. Thats a certainty! 🙂