Buen dia, my loves! I’m back this week with a little fun! We could all use a little more fun, no? I mean, with Covid/staying home and the fight for anti-racism alone, things can get heavy. So, in an effort to lighten our spirits and our countenances, I suggest we put a little of our precious energy into to some Sala Slay! Now, for those que no entienden: “Sala Slay” just means slaying from the comforts of our living rooms. It’s a simple concept but also muy, pero muy, crucial to our mental health. Deciding to take some time to pamper ourselves externally (and internally) can make the hardships of life easier to bear. It can also give us an extra pep in our step, and promote a healthy dose of self love. That’s worth trying, right? Claro! So lets roll into some ways that you (and I) can shake off the “can’t go anywhere” blues and WERK IT at home! These are some of my favorite Sala Slay tips…
“Dressing up is like therapy: I feel better in myself when I’ve made an effort.”
-Paloma Faith
1. Throw On Some Makeup

“Makeup is self confidence
applied directly to the face.”
Oye, I’m not gunna lie, I feel best when I’m wearing a little makeup. I do, its true! And NO, it’s not because I am not comfortable in my own skin. GTFOH with that bullshit! I feel “best” because having makeup on means that I put a little extra into ME that day. It means que I sat with my awesome makeup kit and played artista for 15 mins. It also means that I shut out the world and decided to put some energy into getting “ready”, if for no one else but for myself! Putting on un poquito de maquillaje (or ALOT of makeup for that matter), is a visual symbol of you taking care of *you* that day… even if you’ve got no place to go. And creativity (with colors, styles, looks) can be a big mood booster too! I say: pull out that NYX colored eye liner, hit your lashes with that Stila Magnum XXX Mascara, throw on that fabulous shade of matte lip color from The Lip Bar… and just go to town!! Be bold, be subtle, be glittery, be chic! Do it all! Te lo mereces, boo!
2. Buy Yourself Something New

“You’re right, shopping wont fix the problem. But it will put me in a better mood for when I actually have to deal with it.”
-Some Ecards
I used to talk a lot of smack about the pitfalls of “retail therapy”. I have since stopped being a self righteous jerk, perdoname mi gente. What I know now is that a little shopping can be really good for the soul. Sure, there are some caveats to retail therapy. You can’t spend money you don’t have, you have to use discernment, and you shouldn’t overspend… todo eso es verdad. BUT if you stay within your limits, getting yourself a nice treat is therapeutic, friend! It can be as simple as buying yourself a fresh bouquet of flores for your mesa, or getting yourself a trendy new accessory from your favorite Etsy shop. I got myself a new self care journal for all my downtime at home. Tambien, I splurged a bit and picked out some fabulous gold Bruja hoops for the Marido to buy for me for Mother’s Day (he calls me his Brujita, so they were perfect:). Gifting something TO yourself es algo muy especial, it’s so important. First of all, you are worth it. Second, you are allowed to buy things from the “want” category from time to time (within reason); when you do, you help the economy! Also, just think of the amazing small business owners with online shops that would LOVE your purchase during this economic recession. Tu puedes ayudar; you can actually HELP someone make it through the pandemic by purchasing their goods. So, hello! Que esperas? Get yourself that hat! Get yourself that piece of macrame wall art! You deserve the pick-me-up!

3. Plan a Hot Date Night At Home and Make it Fancy

“Lets go wine tasting
on the couch.”
-Jenna Kutcher
Covid is a mood killer, lets just call it what it is. Being stuck at home, no es muy romantico, it’s true. But that doesn’t for one second mean that you can’t have a kick ass date night at home! No, really! Those of us with niños know, you cant just be giving up on date nights just cuz of a pandemic, that shit is crucial to the lifeblood of a union. You just gotta get creative. That’s what I’m suggesting, mis amores, for you to get crafty and have a fancy ass date night (or two) en casa. That’s what we’ve been doing! One month, we orchestrated a family prom where we dressed up in formal wear, posed for prom pics, and danced the waltz in our living room. And then, por supuesto, after the kids went to bed, the Marido and I partook of stereotypical prom night activities (wink wink:). For our anniversary, we brought Spain to us (due to having canceled our anniversary trip there in May) con tapas Españiolas, con musica, y con decoraciones. It was legit dreamy! It really doesn’t matter what you do, or what you eat, or what activities you partake in (we like Mario Cart most nights)… the important thing is setting aside intentional time for your partner and putting your best foot forward. Hence, the “Get fancy” suggestion. Looking fly makes your significant other feel like they are worth the effort, and they are! So are you! It’s ALSO so that you remember to mix things up from time to time. I mean, you cant wear sweats EVERY night? Amiright? Hot dates are always a good idea, amores, don’t let Covid steal them from you.

4. Play With Your Hair

“Curl it. Cut it . Dye it.
At the end of the day, confidence is the best hairstyle.”
Aburrida? Bored AF? Play with your hair, girl! Now, is the time. Now, when you are spending most of your time at home; now, when you have the time to actually give tu cabello your full attention. Whether you are someone with straight, sometimes lifeless hair or alguien con pelo risado that has a mind of its own… this is the perfect time to try to understand your hair. It’s the momento adequado to start making amends for all that neglect and poor treatment. Why not invest in a lovely, conditioning hair mask? Lawd knows you got the time. How about giving that straight hair some body with a new curling iron or a new wave iron!? It could be the ideal occasion for those box braids you’ve been putting off! Play with that mane, my friend! Si lo tienes lisado, go curly for once. Si tienes risos, straighten it for a week. Dye that shit! Cut some side bangs! Get a new style completely! Our hair is a form of expression that is actually attached to us, lets make use of this time at home to get to know it better so that we can give our hair some dimension, some pizzazz! And who knows? Maybe you’ll find a new way of wearing it that speaks to your vibe so much that it makes you feel like 100% that bitch! Life goal met!

5. Learn How To Do Something New

“Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you have no limits.”
-Brian Tracy
You know what’s hot? Confidence! You know what builds confidence? Believing in yourself and achieving your goals! Eso mero! So, I propose “Sala Slaying” by tackling something new and conquering it! And in doing so, feeling like a badass, which again… makes you shine like a queen. Try something new! Take up something that benefits you; stop putting it on the back burner. Sit down and learn how to braid a Dutch crown, like Frida used to rock. Or do like me, y enseñate how to use a hair wrap using Insta tutorials. Maybe learn how to contour? Gawd, that one has been hella useful. I use Fenty Beauty Match Stixs and get a flawless face in less than 5 mins. Brilliant! Or, porque no ir the creative route and learn to make jewelry or learn to sew? Better yet, BEDAZZLE something! Ha! The fun options are endless, as are the opportunities for growth. Walk out of this Pandemic with some new skills in your slay bag! Now, that’s what I call making lemonade outta lemons!

“Today is a
good day to
Slaying can happen anywhere, mi gente! It can happen outside, at work, while you’re traveling, and yes, even in the comfort of your living room. So let’s put some of our energy into SALA SLAYING during this crazy time, so that we are empowered and uplifted. We need that joy and resilience more than ever! And hey, self care is always a good idea.
Grandes abrazos and air kisses,
You’re totally slaying it, gurrrl😍😍😍 Love all those tips!! Now I’m gonna get out of my pjs and go look for a killer outfit😜
Ahh thanks girl, I’m just over here trying to make the best of quarantine life! I’m so glad you felt inspired!! Tag me in some of your Sala Slay pics, so I can see your gloriousness! 🙂