Hats, gorras, sombreros, berets, beanies, paddys. It doesn’t matter what word you use for the accessory that sits atop your head. Whatever package it comes in, whatever shape it is, however it’s called; the hat is a wonderful thing. Cree me, hats are a friggin gift to fashion. I never leave for a Spring trip without one. Nunca! They add pizzazz, they are practical…they are essential for your next viaje! I have reasons, super valid reasons, for my thinking. Lemme convince you of why you need to invest in more travel hats!

“How a hat makes you feel is what a hat is all about.”
-Philip Treacy
Top reasons for taking a hat on your next trip:
1. They are CUTE!
Ya’ll lets not even try to pretend like we don’t wanna slay while we are out and about in a new place. Because OF COURSE we do! We wanna be adorable for all those Instagrammable shots of our journey. No judgement from me, I’m in the same boat. Hats are a wonderful way to reach that goal, chicas. They add style. They add personality. They give your outfit, however trendy, an extra dose of POW. Tell me you don’t notice that guy who walks into a cafe with a sexy saggy beanie, or give an extra look to that girl who walks around the piazza with a gorgeous sun hat! You do! We all do! Hats are bomb! They elevate your travel style by at least 10 points. I don’t make the rules! 🙂 Pa’lante Chulas!
“A hat is the difference in being dressed and being dressed up; it’s the difference between looking adequate and looking your best. A hat is to be stylish in, to glow under, to flirt beneath, to make all others seem jealous over.”
-Martha Stiler
2. Protection from the elements!
Lets face it, sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate with us while we are traveling. Some days it’s scorching hot and the sun feels like it has a personal vendetta against you. Some days it drizzles the entire time you had set aside to stroll around the beautiful city you’re visiting. Some days the wind plays that damn game where it comes at you from every friggin side, whipping your hair back and forth. Pero like, there’s a solution! Hats, guys! HATS! A hat is the easiest way to protect yourself (and most importantly, your hair) from the elements. O sea, with a hat you’ve got built in sunburn protection, a wind barrier , and rain repellent. AND bonus, to the fellow traveler, your “protection” just looks like killer fashion sense! MIC DROP!

“No debes preguntar ‘Por que te pones un sombrero?’ Lo que realmente debes preguntarte es ‘PORQUE NO?'”
-John Galliano
3. Bad hair days!
Some days your hair hates you. Some days you wake up and that mop on your head won’t stay the way you want it to. It doesn’t fluff up, it doesn’t curl right, it doesn’t stay flat, or worse: it goes into frizz mode. And to top it all off, its greasy-looking as hell! You know what that calls for? A HAT DAY! This is a no- brainer, amigos. Son dias asi, that DEMAND an outlet for all that hair frustration. Hats are the answer. I bring a hat with me when I travel because, I never know when I’ll wake up with the inability to control my coif and I love having a back up plan. Can’t tell you how many travel days have been saved by a hat and a side braid. What’s hilarious is that, on those days, the hat looks intentional. Like I tried…not like I gave up. Cogelo con an “I woke up like this” vibe and bring a hat with you for those rough hair days. Trust me on this one.
“Cock your hat- angles are attitude.”
-Frank Sinatra
4. Same outfit camoflauge!
If you are traveling for more than like 7 days, you may have to repeat an outfit. I know, I hate it too! Odio tener que usar el mismo outfit dos veces! The struggle is that suitcases are only so big, and most of us can’t bring allada things we want to have in our bag. So…being resourceful with our fashion choices can come in handy. What I mean is, sometimes you have to re-wear an outfit, or a part of an outfit, on the same trip. Yes, *but* a hat can change the aesthetic of said outfit COMPLETELY. A sundress on its own can be feminine and cute, that same dress paired with a velvet porkpie hat 7 days later can be trendy and even a little bit hipster. Change it up and pair that dress with a baseball cap, and you’re totally casual chic. Hats give you flexibility with a limited wardrobe. Yet another reason to bring a few with you wherever you go: limitless possibilities!
Just check me out, killing it on this Blue Ridge mountain hike.
5. Express yourself!!!
A hat is just another form of self expression. Its just another way of showing the world who the hell you are! Or how you are feeling on that particular day. You wanna be flirty and fancy, wear a straw hat on that beach trip. You wanna feel funky, wear that feathery fedora in NYC. You wanna give off “down to Earth ” vibes, wear that Paddy hat while trekking thru Europe. Its all about YOU and how YOU feel and how YOU want to express your own personal style. The truth is, hats are fun. They scream personality. They say confidence. Isn’t that the goal? To walk around a new place, being completely yourself with your head held high? HELL yea, it is! Take a hat, if for no other reason, than to represent for YOURSELF. Oh, and take as many sassy pictures for us as you can. We (and I speak for todos nosotros) live for your sassy hat pics! 🙂

“A hat is not just a hat. A hat is the expression of a woman’s soul.”
-Lily Doche

Keep on traveling, mis chulas! Bring a hat with you! Express yourself. Protect yourself. BE AS CUTE AS YOU WANNA BE! Live your best style and your best life! I’ll be here, cheering you (and your hat choice) ON!
Muchos besos,
You’ve convinced me. Time to get a hat!! Especially because Paris is calling my name in April so a hat might be my perfect accessory!
Girl! I see a fabulous colored beret in your future! Maybe Pink? Or mustard? Ah!! You would look fab in anything!