Ask anybody who knows me, I’m a girl who likes variety. Nah, forget “like”, I NEED variety. In ALL things. Especially in my fashion. You guys, I friggin cringe when someone tells me that I have to pack for a trip in a teeny-weeny suitcase, because that means I won’t be able to bring fashion options! Ha! Ya lo se, I’m a lot! I own that shit! I just looooveeee having the ability to change what I’ll wear on vacay based on how I’m feeling that particular day. I’ve always been like that.

Having that said y’all, I do have one item that I bring with me everywhere. Every time. Every trip. This item, or better said -these items- are a nonnegotiable and are always a part of my “variety heavy” suitcase. Puedes adivinar what they are? If you guessed sneakers, you’d be ALMOST right. Because they aren’t just sneaks. They are versatile magic shoes. They’re my white Converse All Star Shoreline low tops. The best travel shoe EVER. Fight me!

Ok, so lemme tell you why they are so damn dope. Maybe that will explain why I don’t take a single trip without them. First off, they are 100% a-dor-a-ble. Like chic AF. I mean, totally classic. White and unassuming, yet clean and posh. Completely on trend right now! For dos, they match with everything! EVERYTHING, I tell you. You can match them with a cute sundress, you can wear them with shorts and a crop top, you can also wear them with jeans, a scarf, and a leather jacket. They ALWAYS go. This is not up for debate. They just do! So, of course they come with me on every trip; they are the perfect travel shoe. I never have to worry when I have them in my luggage, cuz I know that worst case scenario I can pull those babies out at any given time and still look fly! Oh, and the last reason that I love these zapatos? They are comfy as hell. I’ve walked miles and miles in them. I’ve walked uphill, in the rain, on rocky ground, on sand… all over with them. And still haven’t lived to regret it. True story!

All that I’ve just mentioned is more than enough to prove my point about the sheer awesomeness of these shoes but THERE’S MORE! Mucho mas, in fact! You don’t have to wear them with socks! My feet breathe well while wearing them and therefore NEVER stink. And the most fascinating fun fact is that they are an international phenomenon, guys. What I mean is, that every time I go oversees or to some other metropolitan city, I see loads of other women wearing them. Not one lady here or there…. FRIGGIN LOADS of ladies. They are hella popular guys. And so, I never have to worry about going to another country and being given the side eye for my shoe choice. And y’all KNOW that shit happens to a lot of Americans with their huge clunky “tennis shoes” and their grody ole flip flops. These shoes actually make me blend in with the locals, instead of making me stick out. MAGIC SHOES, I tell you!

I won’t say anymore. I think I’ve made my point crystal clear. These shoes are fab. Such a travel staple for me. If you are interested in getting your hands on some for yourself, click here. And if you still aren’t convinced…. look at how cute they look in my gallery below!:)
Krystin C
Love them! You make me want a pair of my own 👀❤
Girl YES!! Get you a pair and then we can be twinkies!:)
jenny Cordero
adorable shoes!! Adorable post! Adorable YOU!!
Aww! Stop making my cheeks blush!! 🙂