Ever heard of the expression, “Nature Church?” I hadn’t until recently, but it’s the most brilliant way to describe The Valley of Fire National Park!
Mis amigas and I take a girls trip every year. We try to go somewhere new and fun just to get away from mom life for a few days and soak up just being mujeres! Vegas was our destination this year (whole post on THAT later), but in betwixt the clubbing and slots and the dranks, we decided to break out of the friggin city for a day and head out into nature. Just me, La Bestie, The Guera, and La Fashionista.

We woke up pretty early that February day and made our way to the rental car that we had reserved. We knew we were going to spend the day in the desert, so we each came prepared with our best desert attire (read: most instagram-able desert attire) Ha! Oh, and our matching sunnies that we purchased the week before. What can I say? “Anything for the Gram!”

The drive to Valley of Fire State Park was easy and scenic, less than an hr. in the car from Vegas. We rocked out to chick music and took in the mountains along the way. A few of us joked that the scene looked like something out of a Wiley Coyote/Roadrunner sketch. It did!

The only way I can describe the Valley of Fire is awe inspiring. Enough to shut you up. Enough to make you feel like you’ve had a spiritual experience. It was gorgeous with its bursts of colors around every bend, and it’s oddly shaped rock formations, and it’s striking, blue sky. It was like a visual jolt to the mind. Caramba, there’s not a way that you could “sleep” through this desert, it demands to be seen in screaming technicolor. And the coolest part, by far, is that every single section that we stopped at, looked entirely different from the one before it. There were the Beehives, the Rainbow View, the White Domes. All lovely. All awe inspiring.
We out here hiking! Shirt goals! La Bestie, working it!
We spent the latter half of our time at the White Domes section, doing a 1.5 mile hike. In heeled boots. Hella Tricky. But sooooo worth it. We walked around with our mouths wide open, unable to speak; the mountains had left us speechless. From then on, we took a bajillion pics, and chatted, slipped a few times, snacked on jerky, and then just breathed it all in. It was the perfect escape from the Vegas craziness. A perfect recharge for us.

The Valley of Fire portion of our Vegas trip was prolly one of my favorite days of 2019 as a whole. THATS how much it impacted me. Left me SHOOK, yall. Hope you enjoy the pics. And I strongly encourage any of you taking Vegas trips to head the F out of town. Leave Sin City behind for a day and get out into the great orange outdoors. It works wonders on your soul. Trust.

With hugs y mucho amor,