Hola, Familia! You guys know how much I love food. I talk about it all the time. Like, siempre. I literally have one third of this blog site devoted to the glorious platos que I’ve eaten, for Pete’s sake. It’s important to me, and I hope para ti, too.
To taste a place is to experience it fully.
Thankfully, our taste buds recently went on a full ride just recently- so I have some yummy food related things to tell you about it! Nos fuimos to Barcelona a visitar my baby sister and brother in law in March! They have lived in the beautiful Spanish city for almost 3 years now, and a trip to visit fue way overdue. I don’t even have to tell you how stoked I was!
Thankfully, cuando llegamos, they had compiled a whole list for us- una lista de all of the fabulous food spots we needed to try to really and truly experience Barcelona the right way. With all of our senses; most especially our sense of taste!
I had a list of my own, too. Because, of course I did.
Here’s what I knew que queria probar: something authentically Catalan, Spanish tapas, pinxtos and drinks, some seafood, and lastly, something that would wow me! Cuando te digo, they SHOWED UP! My list of desires was MET! We ate extremely well the whole week that we were there. Y ahora que my taste buds are satisfied, I feel it’s only right to tell YOU sobre todos los lugares that we enjoyed!
So without further ado, here are my top 6 places to eat at when you visit.
Barcelona Eats, baby!!!
If you’d really rather watch me tell you about my favorite BCN eats, watch my YouTube video here!
1. Els 4 Gats

I love walking into a spot that I KNOW has seen and heard some things… me hace sentir like I’m touching and experiencing REAL history.
That’s how I felt about entering Els Quatre Gats in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona.
Why? Well, because of the fact that it’s muy importante to the city’s cultural and gastronomic identity y tambien because of who hung out there… Sir Pablo Picasso!
So, in 1897, Pete Romeu (that’s my maiden name!) y sus amigos opened this place up. They intended for it to be a cabaret a la “Le Chat Noir” in Paris; a hot spot for the bohemians of the city. The café quickly became a popular hang out for artistas during the Modernisme period in Catalonia. Picasso frequented so much, his artwork is actually on the menus! Fascinante, verdad?
The name “Els 4 Gats” (or the 4 cats) es similar to “Le Chat Noir”, but the term in Catalan was more so used to describe people who are a bit strange, or perceived as outsiders. That’s exactly who the establishment was build for: los diferentes! It was a place meant for serving food and drinks, yes, pero also for catering to the “food of the spirit”; it established a refuge donde artistas y free thinkers could meet to discuss their work and the news of the day. The ambience – that vibe – survives to this day y lo puedes sentir when you walk in the door…
Pretty neat huh?
Todavía estoy thankful that I got to partake! I lived it up Picasso style- had tapas and vermouth like he probably did. Ate un platito de quesos y jamones… just like his comrades probably did. It felt like communing with the people who helped give Barcelona it’s identity; the people who helped create the Modernisme backbone to the city. Fue increíble.
Catalan culture is on full display at Els 4 Gats, y por esa razon, you gotta go see it!
I’m so glad I did! One check mark off the Barcelona list para mi!
- Do you like to frequent places with culture and history or with a modern, contemporary vibe?

2. Parking Pizza

Did I come to Spain for a Italian pizza? Pues, no.
Was the pizza I had in Spain some of the best I’ve ever tasted?
HELL YES. Absolutamente.
Mi hermana, Leslie, and my brother in law, Dan, have been raving about Parking Pizza for years–AÑOS! Always talking about the soft but crunchy crust, the perfect sauce, the delightful flavor combos, y especialmente sombre lo que pasa at the very last moment before the pizza is brought to your table. Apparently, este momento es especial because the chefs pour warm egg yolk on the pizza to create a rich, mouthwatering effect. Different but MÁGICO! Dan and Leslie had been adamant que this particular culinary trick was a game changer…
And, well, they weren’t wrong.
The pizza was already deliciosa, pero that yolk?
That elevated it to outer space. Like, WOW!
The pizzas we tried (in order of how much I loved them):
- 1.Sausage, egg, broccoli, fontina and red onion
- 2. Vegetable: asparagus, cauliflower, leek,
fresh spinach, Tarragon and parmesan - 3. Black truffle, fontina, egg and parmesan
- 4. A regular Margherita
I’d add, though, that the ambience is pretty special as well as the pizza. Se siente como un speakeasy or something, the place is nestled well into a building… without big flashy signs… if you blink, you’d miss it. You have to walk in through a pathway to even find the entrance. Almost as if it’s primarily for savvy locals and not really for tourists. The inside is a treat for those who know where to find it. Me encantó!
- For pizza lovers– and really just food lovers in general– this is a kick ass spot, guys!🍕 Add it to your Barcelona eats list!

3. Chao Pescao

A mi me ENCANTA when I find a place that tickles all of my senses *and* provides a unique experience. Boy, oh, boy did I get just that with Chao Pescao!
Huge props to my brother-in-law for sharing este increíble lugar with us. He walked us over from the Passeig de Gràcia right after showing us La Casa Batllo, knowing that such beautiful architecture could only be met with beautiful food. También sabía just how much I love fresh seafood. What can I say, bro absolutely delivered! You see, this spot does it right.
Chao Pescao es the kick ass combinación de seafood market, cafetería, y fancy restaurant all wrapped in one.
Here’s how it works:
- Primero, you peruse all of the the fresh seafood on ice (there’s everything you can think of) and make your selections.
- Next, le dices a the server how you way you want your seafood cooked: boiled, fried, or grilled.
- Then, you select your drinks, cocktails, and sauces (I suggest an Aperol Spritz for the drink and the wasabi mayo for the sauce).
- Finalmente, you enter a huge (beautiful) dining hall and wait for your order number to be called. Every customer picks up their tray at the window in the order that each plate is cooked.
The procedure is cool pero, te digo, the food is the real fun bit.
Every plate que sale es una nueva aventura, and each one is fun to eat.
Scooping out sea snails, unsticking clams, slurping oysters… all FUN!:)
We enjoyed the caracoles (sea snails), the vieiras (scallops), the pulpo (octopus), the seafood soup, the gambas (shrimp) and the razor clams (my favorite) – each dish had its own vibe and flavor profile. It felt like a seafood buffet, una oportunidad perfecta to try the types of dishes we’d only ever dreamed of!
One cool thing was that we could test each marisco with a different sauce to go in different culinary directions… there was a traditional Spanish romesco sauce (made with tomatoes, almonds, hazelnuts, and peppers) and also a classic Mediterranean olive oil sauce that was refreshing, and then an Asian inspired mayo-wasabi blend que me gustó mucho. YUM!
If you are ever in BCN, definitely do yourself a favor and go to Chao Pescao, what an experience!:)
- What’s YOUR favorite type of seafood?

4. Ancestral Bar

One of the things on my “ABSOLUTELY MUST DO” Barcelona list was Tapas!
The last time I was on the European continent, I went to the UK with a list of cultural relevant foods to try: English tea, scones with clotted cream, the traditional English breakfast, meat pies. etc. La intención fue que, I try, when I go to a new place (with a culture all it’s own) to really dive into the foods that are deeply embedded in that culture. And you just can’t “dive into” Spain without doing the tapas thing.
Tapas are Spain’s version of a small savory plate or appetizer (que típicamente vienen con alcohol:). And no, I’m not talking about that trash that they call “tapas” in America- I’m talking real authentic tapas!
You MUST taste a variety of tapas to get a real taste of the city of Barcelona… and of Spain as a whole.
La pregunta es: which place will you go to for said tapas?
Might I suggest The Ancestral Bar in the Eixample neighborhood of Barcelona?!
The reason for this particular suggestion- the vibe and the location. The food at Ancestral is delicious but , sinceramente, you could probably find hundreds of great tapas bars en Barcelona. It’s Barcelona, for Pete’s sake. What this spot does really well is ambience. Tiene asientos afuera, glorious outdoor seating that just feels Spanish. It’s open-air goodness, lively outdoor scene, and perfect location in the trendy Eixample neighborhood makes this places a great choice for tapas con amiguitos.
Here are my favorite tapas that I tried:
1. Boquerónes (anchovies in vinegar)
2. Fideuás (basically paella but with noodles)
3. Tortilla Española (an egg and potato casserole)
4. Pan con Tomate (crust bread with garlic, olive oil, and tomato paste)
5. Albóndigas
Every single one of them was full of yummy flavor and I am very satisfied to have crossed tapas off my list! And at such a cool place!
Definitely hit up @ancestralbarbcn if you are in search of good food in BCN.👌🏽🍽
- What’s YOUR favorite Spanish tapa?

5. La Tasqueta De Blai

Let’s talk about antojitos!
Before I start raving about my next Barcelona Eats stop, let’s just discuss la diferencia between pinxtos and tapas! Tapas, like we talked about before, son platos pequenos… usually savory and eaten with drinks. Pinxtos are like tapas (son muy similar, de verdad) except for one big change– they usually come on top of a piece of bread and almost always served a toothpick through them. Tapas are more of a sit-down thing, where as pinxtos can be enjoyed standing at the bar.
Basicamente, they are the finger-food version of tapas.
Let’s call it el tipo de comida that you can eat in 2 bites and then continue eating para toda la noche. They are 1000% the type of tasty snacks that you keep nibbling on as you drink on a night out with friends! Pinxtos are an all night thing and typically enjoyed at several places.
Bar hopping es parte de la cultura in Barcelona.
Suggesting just one place for pinxtos would be insane, so I’ll just share where you should probably start your pinxto journey… an excellent place for a pinxto introduction: “La Tasquesta di Blai“.
El lugar es bien “cute” with a fun and lively ambience; loud music and mood lighting make it feel just right para una noche de bebidas. It has pinxtos of every sort with an interesting blend of flavor profiles and cultural foods. For example, there was a Catalan take on the American hamburger, or a pinxto created with a Chinese bao bun as a base, or Teriyaki chicken put on top of a French baguette.
It was like exploring the world through the eyes of Barcelona…with each bite. Que rico!
Ok, so lemme explain how it goes. You go in and you literally check out the pinxtos on display. They look like un montón de open-faced sandwiches, all delectable looking and waiting to be devoured. Each has a toothpick through it, right? So yea, you point the the ones you like, they heat it up and deliver to you, and then – get this- you pay by toothpicks! De veras! You pay your bill based on the number of toothpicks you have! Totally fun, verdad!?
It’s the type of experience you HAVE to have, amigos!
- Which do you think you’d prefer more? Pinxtos or Tapas?

6. Granja Petitbo

Breakfast in Barcelona was a lovely thing…
Maybe it was because we were starving from an overnight flight or because the location of the place we went to was basically on *my* street (Passeig San Joan– my name), or MAYBE it’s because the spot we visited was a truly spectacular, trendy, and delicious brunch spot!
Definitely option C!
Granja Petitbo was exactly what we needed for our first BCN meal.
Delicious and casual but with a focus on quality. We each ate something called a “bikini” to start our culinary tour of BCN.
What’s a bikini, you ask?
Well, only just a scrumptious grilled ham and cheese sandwich. But not just any ham and cheese- an ELEVATED ONE. We’re talking about the good stuff; freaking jamón ibérico, y’all! Spaniards don’t play around with the meat selection! Y el queso? Pues, the Harvarti cheese on mi bikini was ooey and gooey and oh so tasty. Apparently, this quick bite is a local fave and, after trying it, entiendo muy bien why that is the case!
I’m just so glad I got a chance to try for myself!
Oh and did you see the locale? Just endearing! Huge windows that let in all sorts of luz, exposed brick, fresh flowers, rustic minimalist charm- it’s the perfect place to stop in for either a quick breakfast or para tomar café y comer brunch con las amiguitas on a Sunday. So pretty!
Put this place on your list. Please! 🙂
- Have you ever had a “bikini”?!:)

Honorable Mentions:
1. Best Starter Ever- Pan Con Tomate

Te digo algo, there’s one Catalan tapa that is as simple as it gets, but packs a mighty punch…
One tapa that todos los restaurantes tienen su versión of…
One that you can’t leave Barcelona without tasting…
Pan Con Tomate.
It’s one of those dishes that really doesn’t sound like a whole lot; “bread with tomato” sounds hella insignificant, right? No importa! It’s the simplicity, the humildad of it that makes it so incredible. 5 ingredients (super fresh ingredients) are all that is used to make it: grilled bread, olive oil, tomato, garlic, and salt – and when they work together, they create an appetizer masterpiece.
Lo hacen asi:
First, you grill some rustic, crusty bread, después rub the bread down with a cut clove of garlic, then coat the surface of the bread with the tomato pulp (yea, you heard right), y al final drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. I freaking told you- bien simple– but SUCH a tasty snack. Believe it or not, its often handed out FOR FREE at bars all over Barcelona, too!
There’s absolutely no reason for you not to try it! Free & delicious! Bring on the pan con tomate!
- Have you ever tried pan con tomate? What’d you think of it?
2. It’s not a place, it’s a plate*- Juevos Rotos!

Real talk: this was my favorite meal I ate in ALL my time in Barcelona. And yes, I had a favorite!
Legit – like heaven in my mouth. Ok, Barcelona EATS!
We ate at Raizes restaurant after a long night of partying for St. Paddy’s Day. Believe it or not, St. Paddy’s day is a thing in Barcelona – especially if you hit the Michael Collins Bar. Anywho, the reason I mention all the drinking is because drunkenness begets starvation. Ravenous starvation. You want good food, you want lots of it and at that point and you aren’t exactly calorie counting.
Enter Raizes.
It was a quaint restaurant with an outdoor seating area that was open late… perfection. Even better is the food was INCREDIBLE. Expertly cooked by an amazingly kind Brazilian woman who knows how to make dishes that tickle your stomach in all the best ways.
My dish- the best thing I tasted- is called “Juevos Rotos” or broken egg in English. But DAMN, there’s nothing “broken” about this plate!
So simple too! It’s basically just a dish of fries with fried eggs and jamón ibérico on top-LIKE, HELLA plain.
And yet, the flavor is bomb. The texture, the salt, the crunch, the ooey-gooey yolk- it’s heavenly AF. And the best part— it’s street food, so it’s cheap, too! Como se dice, es un “win/win”!
If you’re in BCN, try this. If you’re not- make this!
You’ll thank me!
3. And Then There Were Drinks- Aperol Spritz, The Clara, y Vermouth

I love a good cocktail. I do, me encantan. It goes without saying, but Barcelona is a stellar place to go if you love to grab a drink con tus amigos. If you don’t love drinking, or are trying to abstain- this city may be hard for you- not gunna lie.
Drinking culture is strong here…
Often times, social meet ups include hopping from one bar to another… usually multiple bars before the night is through. On my week there alone, I ended up drinking more than I had the whole month prior. No miento cuando te digo- I almost felt like maybe I couldn’t hang! Haha! Lightweight over here!
Having that said, there were a few drinks that kept popping up the whole time we explored Barcelona that I feel are note-worthy:
The Clara, The Aperol Spritz, and The Vermouth.
The Aperol Spritz is a cocktail that actually originated in northern Italy but it has been a Barcelona favorite as it’s been adapted to suit Spanish tastes. You see, instead of Italian prosecco, local cava is added to the Aperol and sparkling water. Esta bebida me impactó! It was refreshing and light and went well with most of the tapas I tried… especially the ones containing seafood. And it packed a punch! Win win for este cocktail!
The Clara is another refreshing drink, per en la forma de un beer. It’s essentially one part Spanish beer and one part Caserta (or lemon-flavored tonic water). If you’ve ever had a “Shandy” – this is really close to it. I found it yummy and perfect for tapas because you can drink a few of them without getting totally wasted! Haha. If you’re in Barcelona, especially in the warmer months, definitely order esta bebida! You’ll fit right in with the locals!
Ahora, Vermouth is one of those drinks that really elevates the vibe. It’s classy and classic. Me oyes? Spanish Vermouth is essentially white wine that has been fortified con herbs and spices and left to age in barrels. I thought it tasted sweeter than wine, with hints of cinnamon and cloves, but also with a more “spirits” vibe than vino normal. I felt like a true bad bitch drinking it… it was hands done my favorite drink that I tasted in Barcelona, for sure. You see it everywhere, too! In fact, it’s so popular in Spain that the Spaniards actually created a designated time to drink it. Es verad, look up: “La hora del Vermut”. A clear sign that you MUST try it, if you ask me!
- Have you ever tasted one of these bebidas? Which is your fave?

Overall, Barcelona is a wonderful place to travel, and an even better place to eat!
Hay un montón de opciones when it comes to Barcelona eats; I honestly didn’t even scratch the surface with this list. It is simply a starting off point, una inspiración, a place to start if you are traveling to BCN and need a jumping off point. Please please add to this list with any amazing places you may find on your journeys and share them with me! Cuz, I’ll need them for when I return!
Y ya sabes… I WILL RETURN!
Special shoutout to my sister Leslie and brother-in-law Dan for showing us all the best spots and for showcasing Barcelona’s charm. It knocked our socks off and totally left a mark. Matter of fact, I may go make some Huevos Rotos RIGHT NOW! Ha! 🙂
Thanks so much for following along on another travel adventure conmigo! Please be sure to check out my YouTube channel and the video for this post (shared earlier). Until next time cariños….
Los quiero!