Mi Blog

My Travel Shoe Look Book

Hi, mi querida fam! Most of you already know this, but I’m a firm believer in the idea que travel is NOT travel if fashion isn’t involved. If you aren’t strutting around new sites in cute outfits, are you even traveling? Ha! Ok, so maybe I’m a little exajerada, but I do believe that style elevates the travel experience. And since were talking about strutting, let’s focus in on the zapatos that we wear cuando we are traveling about this world.

As loud as my personality is, I’m actually quite simple when it comes to the shoes that I pick para un viaje. I tend to pick shoes by the occasion and I don’t like to spend a lot to look good. Comfort is key, obvi, PERO if you can have both comfort *and* bomb flava… that’s really the ticket. I know that a traveler should keep it low key con shoe selecciΓ³nes for trips, nothing too loud or niche, because a shoe needs to be able to go with several outfits (unless you are bringing an extra suitcase just for shoes!) but that doesn’t mean you can’t walk around in STYLE.

Here are some of the types of shoes that I think every stylish traveler should consider when packing. Por supuesto, you have to adjust for weather, events, type of trip, and length of stay… but these are some of my staples! My travel shoe “look book”, if you will. Espero que this will inspire you to STRUT your way into tus viajes all around the world!

“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.”

-Marilyn Monroe

1. Classic White Sneaks

First and foremost, te tengo que decir about my favorite travel shoes; my Reeboks. I got these kicks for my (now canceled) month-long trip to Spain, because they are the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn and Europe demands comfortable footwear. I knew that I wanted versatile white sneaks para travel, because they go with legit everything… shorts, pants, dresses, BUT narrowing down WHICH one fue muy dificil. There are lots of options out there.

Leave it to me to be meticulous; I tried on 10 different pairs of white sneakers before making my selection. Reebok won, hands down. Fue como caminar on a cloud! AND they just so happen to be cute. Like REAL damn cute. I always get compliments on them when I’m out. So yea, perfect choice! The trick is to keep them bien limpios… clean them regularly!

Do you have a favorite white sneaker? Are you down with this particular trend?

Shoe: Reebok Classic- Princess in white $50.00

2. Neutral Ankle Booties

Booties are trendy for a reason, mi gente. Son perfectos! They literally go with everything and they bring up the fancy factor for any outfit by at least 10 points every damn time! Oh, and you can wear them all year long! Seasons don’t affect their effectiveness (see what I did there). Haha! Tambien son bien comfortables; they are typically fairly comfy to walk about in.

In my opinion, they are a GREAT option for travel because they can take a day outfit and make it acceptable for night wear. They give you a touch of flare, without being gaudy OR painful. AND they match with almost every outfit type, especialmente if you get some in a neutral color like mine. The trick is to shop around and find some that aren’t expensive. No tienes que gastar una fortuna to look fly. Case in point; Target has a collection that is under $30. Get you some!

Are you on the bootie train? How do you like to wear them?

Shoe: Cari Cut Out Ankle Bootie– Target $29.99

3. Comfy Black Heels

Escuchame muy bien, sometimes travel demands late night cocktails, or a little bit of live music and dancing, or even a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant. For those occasions, you need to be able to bring your shoe game up a notch. Within reason, obvio, but still… you gotta be able to rise to those occasions. You cant wear sneaks for a fancy cena; necesitas heels.

If I know that I’m going to get dressed up for at least one occasion while I’m traveling, siempre triago mis heels. They are these DSW tacones that have a peep toe and a flat back (perfect for comfort and cuteness). They are the only heels that I own that I can walk around the streets of NY in, and I love them.

Every fashionista on-the-go should have a pair of practical black heels in their luggage. Es verdad. Black really does go with everything. Y, let’s be real, they are classy AF. SUCH a vibe.

Do you wear heels while you travel? What’s your favorite fancy travel shoe?

Shoe: Hailee Sandal by Kelly and Katie DSW $39.99

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a fabulous pair of shoes.”

– Hudson+Bleecker

4. Shoes With a Print

Amigas, printed shoes are having a moment right now. The leopard print in particular is living its best life this fashion season. Mas razon to make sure to include a printed zapato in your packing list.

Soy yo pretty simplΓ©; I gravitate towards solid colors and classic styles, but even I get the importance of a print. Yes, they are stylish and act as a neutral and are hard to detect stains on… but mainly they are FUN! Son divertidos! They add a pop of personality! And who doesn’t want to strut around a new place looking INTERESTING?!

Long trips can be annoying cuz you have to wear the same outfits over and over again, a bold printed shoe can change all that. It can help transform a tired travel look to something dope and keep your Insta FRESH as hell! Pro tip: go the extra mile and invest in a wedge printed sneaker for added FIRE! πŸ™‚

What’s your go-to shoe print? How crazy do you like to get with your patterns?

Shoes: Leopard Print Wedge Sneakers by Syktkmx – Amazon – $29.98

5. Versatile Sandals

Where I live in Florida, it’s sandal weather year round. Even when we get to escape the oppressive FL summers, we still end up en lugares that are fairly warm…. hence the need for great traveling sandals. El calor is no joke (nobody wants sweaty feet), but neither are the strap burns that come from the wrong pair of sandalias. They suck.

Choosing the ideal pair of sandals es muy importante, friends, or else you’ll be hobbling along in your journeys. Either that, or putting Band-Aids on your feet to protect against blisters. CoΓ±o! Aint nobody got time for that. The trick is to find a really good pair, and try them on BOTH feet and then walk around the shoe store. No estoy bromeando, all jokes aside, you really do have to take them for a decent test run to ensure comfort. Cuteness is typically a given with sandal options.

A mi me gusta neutral sandals like the pair in the picture above. They go with browns and blacks and blues so I never have to worry about clashing. They are my go-to pair for every trip. And bonus, they are flat and easy to stick into any cramped suitcase! Wepa!

Do you take sandals when you travel? Which ones are tried and true faves?

Shoe: Lavina Toe Wrap Thong Sandal– Target $19.99

“All of God’s children need traveling shoes.”

– Maya Angelou

6. Shoes that Represent YOU

I’m a Bronx girl, through and through. City life is in my blood. Check out this older blog post for more Joana fun facts if you didnt already know this. Anyway, New York raised me and instilled in me a true love for Urban fashion. Dejame decirte, the 90’s in the Boogie Down Bronx were ALL about Timberlands and Air Force Ones. Everybody had them, y todos who didn’t…. wanted to. They weren’t just shoes. They still aren’t. They represent our culture, our history, our community… y todavia son muy especial para mi. I still treasure mine.

I recently encontrΓ© a pair that spoke to me cuz I felt like they were a true representation of mi vibe- colorful and lively- not to mention they had a kick ass animal print. πŸ™‚ I got them with glee and since then have tried to find room for them in every suitcase I pack.

I love them because I feel like when I’m wearing them in a nuevo lugar, I’m announcing myself. Letting the world see me! Does that make sense?

Do you have a pair of shoes that really represent you? Your culture? Your identity? What are they?

Shoe: Nike Air Force 1 – $110

7. Comfy Flip Flops

Some people may not consider flip flops a travel shoe, but I’m not “some people”. Flip Flops are ESSENTIAL. Me oyen? Essential. No importa where you go or what season it is. They are practical for a zillion razones. A few being: they act as a shower shoe, a shoe for walking around a new hotel/rental, a shoe that can get wet, a shoe for the beach/lake/pool etc.

I mean, you need to carry chanclas with you always. Periodt. La uniqa pregunta is: WHICH ONES? Here is where I may differ from the crowd, I think it’s actually important to invest in a QUALITY pair of flip flops. Cheap isn’t always best in this decision. You can’t be walking around in shoes that break easily, or that have plastic thongs that hurt with every wet step you take. Also, you need some cushion under your feet (some beaches are rocky).

Tienes que comprar reliable, comfortable, good quality flip flops. I’m not an expert, but as a Florida girl who has owned her fair share, I can tell you that Reef sandals are BOMB. Cute and comfy. Oh, and they last para SIEMPRE. You will have them forever!

Do you travel with flippies? Why and which ones?

Shoe: Reef Women’s Zen Love Sandal– Amazon $35.94

“Todo en exceso es malo…

excepto las vacaciones y los zapatos.”


8. Waterproof Hiking Shoes

Ok, so we’ve already established que no soy a “nature girl”. I tend to like nature from a concrete path, haha. BUT every so often, mi familia pushes me into a situation where I have to walk thru tall marshy fields, or muddy forest paths, or snowy, mushy puddles. En esas ocasciones, I need a good pair of hiking shoes… or better said, hiking sneakers… to make it through.

I prolly won’t invest in legit hiking shoes, cuz ya’ll know that’s not my jam. It might be a good option para ti, though, especially if you like to rough it and stuff. Pero if you are like me and only require a pair of shoes that can get dirty and wet without making your feet uncomfortable, I’d highly suggest a pair of hiking sneaks.

It’s a glorious thing to be able to explore, knowing full well que tus zapatos son waterproof. Friggin GAME CHANGER. Another factor to consider, shoes that cover up your feet entirely to prevent from pesky bug bites and ticks. Also good, shoes that have a fair amount of grip on the soles. Amiright?

Even a girl like me knows how important hiking shoes are. Invest in some, especially if you are planning to get off the beaten path, friends.

Do you own hiking shoes? Are the worth the money?

Sperry Women’s Crest Zone Sneaker– Amazon- $49.50

9. Colder Weather Boots

Cold weather is my favorite. Cold toes, not my favorite. Odio la sensacion of my toes going numb while I’m exploring a new city in the Wintertime. I hate it. For that reason, I always pack a pair of warmer shoes cuando voy de viaje. Some boots!

I tend to steer clear of super tall boots (limited luggage space), and I tend to steer clear of crazy fuzzy boots (hello, I live in Florida most of the time) but I do understand the importance of warm boots. I get how vital they are. I like mine to have a heel, just for some flair. I mean, porque no?:) I’m also really down with the suede or leather look as well.

My criteria comes down to this: Cute, warm, comfy…. most of the time, en ese orden. Travel boots, imho, should be stylish and practical. So you can wear them to make an outfit pop or to keep tus pies nice and warm. I think that is it’s possible to find a really great pair for an inexpensive price, too. Definitely worth the investment, no crees?

Do you enjoy a good pair of travel boots? What brand is better than all the rest?

Shoe: Women’s Valeria City Ankle Bootie -Target $34.95

Cute shoes MAKE travel cute. I don’t make the rules. πŸ™‚ Seriously tho, the tipo de zapatos that you bring with you on your journeys matter. They can make or break the experience (who doesn’t have a story about a time where they had to be carried because their feet hurt so bad). Dios sabe, I sure do!

Looking fly on your trips doesn’t have to come at the expense of comfort. And comfort doesn’t have to come at the expense of dope style. Read that again!

The goal is to be so damn happy while you’re walking around a new place, that you feel inspired to snap a shot of it, just to capture the moment! Now thats WINNING!

Hasta luego my loves!

Con mucho cariΓ±o,




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